Free Thinking Supremacist

cue the hysteria

Ko au tenei (this is me), te ahi kaaroa, doing all that I can to empower, embolden and encourage you to be a fearless critical thinking warrior and a defender of our next generations inheritance.

dana lee the rebel papillon
the rebel papillon the freedom and rights coalition
the rebel papillon
dana lee





Be the Knight.

Remember watching the old movies and someone was always waiting, hoping someone would rescue them, waiting for the knight in shining armor? Well, in case you haven’t realized it, it’s you. You too must do your bit. And if you have children or you’re an uncle, an auntie, a close friend of someone who has tamariki/children, then I personally believe you’re obligated to get up and play your part in ensuring our children and those to come are safe to thrive and evolve society into heaven on earth.

So get up! Develop a vision or join ours and let’s grow together.


No more fence sitting.


Join our community and evolve.


You are all powerful, own it.


Rebel Papillon Movement

Committed to creating Parallel Society’s dedicated to making Revolutionary moves that Empower the living whilst supporting the exposure and downfall of this totalitarian company that is the NZ Government and the virus that is Mainstream Media.
If that resonates with you then let’s go!

Parallel Society

In a world dominated by structures and systems that often leave the living feeling disempowered and disconnected, a growing movement is advocating for another way of living—a way that fosters self-sufficiency, community, abundance and personal growth. This movement envisions a society where people know their worth and recognize each others thus they work together with a long-term goal forever at the forefront, to create heaven on earth.

One of the central tenets of this vision is the belief that we the living must remain outside “the corporate system” and strive to thrive rather than merely survive. It encourages the living to connect with those in their rohe and outside of it, to create community gardens, and engage in the trade and exchange of labor and resources. By doing so, the aim is to build strong, high vibrational communities/haapu, capable of supporting/sustaining each other.

A key aspect of this vision is the conviction that true empowerment begins with knowledge. The current system, as witnessed by the likes of myself and many more, often attempts to strip the living of their self-awareness and critical thinking abilities. To counter this, we highlight the importance of embedding solid moral coding and teaching our children valuable life skills such as self-defense, gardening, foraging, and hunting. We also emphasize the arts as a means of fostering creativity and self-expression.

Fear, in my humble opinion, is a powerful tool used by “the system” to maintain control over beings such as you and i. To achieve true personal growth and empowerment, it is vital to push past those barriers that initiate fear.

Through private parallels we encourage people to be fearless and bold in pursuing their goals, to protect one another, and to challenge the propaganda used to stifle critical evolution. Within a Parallel Society we recognize the diversity of human experiences and identities and whilst emphasizing the belief in ONLY two genders, we also acknowledge that some individuals may not feel like they fit within the skin they’re in. Thus our message is clear: be accepting and respectful of others journeys while teaching key values around knowing oneself.

This movement understands that creating a parallel society is a long-term endeavor. It encourages the current generation to lay the foundation for future generations to thrive in a world free from a corrupt centralized control system. It envisions standing together against a common enemy, with a shared goal of securing freedom and prosperity for our future generations. In a world where the prevailing system has become oppressive and disempowering, the vision presented here offers an alternative path. It calls for the likes of you and i to embrace radical self responsibility, self-sufficiency, community, true education, and fearlessness. It envisions a future where the living come together, knowing their common goals, to build a society that encourages everyone to thrive as we work towards the evolution of society into “heaven on earth.” This vision acknowledges that the journey won’t be easy, but it’s a journey that we believe is worth taking for our children and those to follow.


Revolution is often envisioned as a grand, sweeping change that reshapes societies, institutions, and governments. While these outer transformations are crucial, they are preceded and propelled by a more subtle, yet profound shift: the inner revolution.

“Inner revolution is the predicate for an outer Revolution” said Butch Ware and how it resonated.

This internal metamorphosis serves as the foundation upon which any successful external revolution must rest.

The inner revolution involves a deep, personal transformation in how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. It requires us to challenge our preconceived notions, confront our fears, and dismantle the limiting beliefs that have held us back. This internal change is crucial because it directly influences our capacity to effect meaningful external change. A man or woman who has undergone an inner revolution is not only more aware of their own power and limitations(or lack of) but also better equipped to confront and reshape societal structures.

The greatest obstacle to a successful revolution is not external forces or entrenched systems, but ourselves. Our own inertia, resistance to change, programming and complacency can be the most formidable barriers. Each individual’s reluctance to embrace inner change often mirrors the collective hesitation to challenge and transform the status quo. For a revolution to succeed, individuals must first overcome their internal barriers and be willing to fully engage with the revolutionary process.

My concern in the process of revolution is the potential for repeating past mistakes if we are given power before addressing our own internal wounds. If we, as a people or society, achieve power over those who previously oppressed us without having healed from our own past traumas and mistakes, we risk perpetuating the same cycles of injustice and failure. Thus i feel It is imperative that we address and rectify our internal conflicts and weaknesses to ensure that any power we wield is used constructively and not to replicate the very conditions we seek to overthrow.

The term “revolution” itself is derived from the concept of a celestial body completing a full orbit around another body. Just as a planet orbits in its cycle, we too must navigate our own cycles of growth and awakening. This analogy underscores that personal and societal transformations follow a natural rhythm and process. Just as celestial bodies require time to complete their orbits, we must also allow ourselves the time and space to undergo profound inner change. This cyclical process ensures that our revolution is not merely superficial but deeply transformative and enduring.

To truly ignite a revolution, we must be willing to step outside our comfort zones and become ungovernable in our quest for change. This does not necessarily mean rejecting all forms of governance but rather challenging and questioning the existing systems that are unjust or ineffective. It means being prepared to face discomfort and adversity, as true transformation rarely occurs without resistance and struggle. Embracing discomfort, rather than avoiding it, is essential for personal growth and for catalyzing the broader societal changes we seek.

The path to revolution begins within each of us. By fostering an inner revolution, we lay the groundwork for a successful outer transformation. Recognizing that our own internal barriers are the primary impediments to change, we must be prepared to become uncomfortable and ungovernable in our pursuit of a just and equitable society. Importantly, we must also ensure that we are healing and evolving as we seek to shift power dynamics, to avoid repeating the errors of our predecessors. Just as celestial bodies complete their orbits in a rhythmic cycle, we too must navigate our cycles of personal and collective growth. Only through this profound internal shift and patient, deliberate evolution can we hope to bring about the sweeping external changes that our world so desperately needs.


To be empowered is not merely to have the authority or means to act but to possess the courage to live authentically and independently, free from the constraints of societal expectations. This notion of living courageously ungoverned is about embracing personal freedom, challenging the narrative, and inspiring others to do the same.

Empowerment begins with self-awareness and self-acceptance. It involves recognizing one’s own potential and capabilities, and trusting in one’s ability to act upon them. When people are empowered, they possess a sense of control over their lives and decisions, enabling them to navigate challenges with confidence. This internal strength is crucial in fostering a mindset that values personal integrity over conformity.

Living courageously ungoverned means resisting the pressures to conform to societal norms or expectations that do not align with one’s self. It is about questioning traditional pathways and daring to forge new ones. This form of courage is not about rejecting all conventions outright but about selectively embracing those that resonate with one’s true values and aspirations.

For many, this journey involves overcoming fear—fear of judgment, failure, or rejection. It requires a willingness to stand out and make unconventional choices. However, it is this very courage that often leads to profound personal growth and innovation.

To empower others is to encourage them to embrace their own sense of autonomy and to pursue their passions fearlessly. In empowering others, we must also set an example. It is essential to uphold and take the best of the living threads of our traditions while lighting a new way forward. We must recognize that the past is a guide but not a place to return. As we forge ahead, we integrate the wisdom of our traditions with innovative approaches, demonstrating through our actions that growth and progress are possible.

Empowerment is also about fostering resilience. By sharing stories of overcoming obstacles and navigating the unknown, we can inspire others to take bold steps in their own lives. The act of empowering someone often involves helping them recognize their strengths, providing them with resources, and encouraging them to challenge their own believed limitations. In a society where conformity often reigns, living courageously ungoverned becomes a radical act of self-assertion and a powerful catalyst for positive change. As we lead by example, drawing from the best of our traditions and venturing into new realms, we set a precedent for others to follow, lighting a path toward a future shaped by bold, courageous action.

I decided to launch a range of merch that is more in line with what i would like to see those in the know wearing, the critical thinkers… a line of clothing that exhibits bold slogans that are bound to have any snowflake rocking in fetal, soiling their panties. So, click on the Shop Here link below and get yourself a bold Rebel Papillon tee, hoody or one of my totes. Enjoy…

The Rebel Papillon Merchandise

danas whenua

This is me

Ko au tenei

So i thought i would introduce myself to those of you who do not know me.

You may call me Dana or Dana Lee (also known as Muriwhenua) and I am the Rebel Papillon. Papillon being French for Butterfly and a nickname I have had for many years now, and being part French Celtic it’s quite fitting I feel.

I was born in kaitaia and whakapapa to muriwhenua through my father (Ko te uri o te Ngake, ko Ngati Waiora te hapu) and the hauraki through my grandmother who was Ngati Paoa.


dana lee
the rebel papillon

On my mother’s side I whakapapa back to Brittany France, one of the six Celtic nations.



I’ve been asked many times how I became a “rebel” and to that I have answered that I feel it was inevitable, my blood is hot for starters. 😅

I also grew up watching my family and their friends in the thick of the early protests against the crown and they were radicals who did truly fight, fist to fist with police and any crown official, unlike a portion of our people today, they knew who the real enemy was.

I also had two parents who despised authority and my mother in particular would consistently question everything, research it and then log that information for future reference whilst my father would take that information and go to war, so to speak. I watched him on many occasions go toe to toe with any crown authority that dared to get in his way and many times that was in waitangi, when waitangi had some real fight in it.

How can I explain the feeling inside me that compells me to fight? A feeling that burns in me like te ahi kaaroa (the eternal flame), it seers my soul and brings tears to my eyes that our beautiful nation is being systematically destroyed by not only a centralized power and media but by insane group think.

My great grandfather’s on both sides went to war to fight for this country and its freedom, or so they thought, and now I believe, it is up to us to defend it and its people’s…

I feel driven by the need to not have a so called authority that does not know me, so could not possibly know what best serves me, attempt to dictate to me on how i must live and then there is the impact this entity parading as authority might have on my children and their children.

So…a little background on my most recent ventures.

In 2020 I lead an online pushback on the BLM trend that hit our country. I found it fascinating that as a nation we could not even hit the streets for our own serious issues nevermind an event that happened in the states that was not all it was made out to be, was used to incite a race war and was in fact yet another opportunity for elitist blacks to virtue signal victimhood whilst they funneled funds. I also refused to get behind the victim mentality that reared its ugly head in full force during this time.

Whilst this was going on i became one of the main coordinators for NZ Liberty March (which then became Nz Liberty Movement) and helped organize the No More Lockdown protests and then the People’s rallys leading into 2021.
I also kicked off the Overpass Campaign in 2021 with the dear Norman Sutton and then later on that same year i also became one of the main coordinators for the Hikoi of Truth and held a habitation in Mercer. During this time i was also working with Counterspin Media and played a key role in the promotion of CSM and its production/operations leading into 2023, until I left late feb/early March.

That’s just a brief outline of some of the things I’ve been involved in over the past few years, though it most certainly is not all, in fact, no where near it, but the rest is on a need to know basis. 😏

What am I doing presently? Well, it involves giving the middle finger to any assumed authority and creating a legacy that thrives outside of any corporate structure. It involves bringing generations through who know themselves and carry themselves accordingly, fearless and activated.

So…ko au tenei(this is me), te ahi kaaroa, doing all that I can to empower, embolden and encourage you to be a fearless critical thinking warrior and a defender of our next generations inheritance.

“For our children we would wage war”

– Danalee

Mauri Aroha Ora…


The Collective

The Collective

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The Vision

The Vision

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