“I believe in stepping outside “the system” and thriving not surviving. I believe in networking with your neighbors, creating community gardens, trade and exchange of labour and resources.

I do not believe that any man or woman need subjugate themselves to any structure let alone one that has failed them time and time again.

This is the crux of it…so very few comprehend who they are, what they are and that they are capable of anything they set their mind to.

“The system” is designed to corral you into the pen and strip you of any self knowing. It is designed to keep you forever fearful and one thing everyone needs to understand is that the whole element of fear itself is so counterproductive and it is so alien to the true spiritual experience, if you’re succumbing to it there is nothing throughout your life that will ever be on balance to your true potentiality. Thus you will continue banging your head on a brick wall, so to speak.

Be fearless and bold. Protect one another as best you can. Form a strike against the systems propaganda and do the opposite of the shite they spew.

Teach your children the things that count, how to defend themselves, how to garden, how to forage and hunt, teach them the arts. Teach them how to be a force for good, and to take no shit.
Teach them men are men and women are women, there are ONLY two genders but it is ok to feel like maybe you dont fit the skin you’re in. Teach them to look after our elderly and protect the young. Teach them to be critical in their thinking and challenge that which does not sit right…through such you will create a new world.

We’re in this for the long haul so our generation must lay the foundation for the next and so on and so forth.

I want to see a nation that recognises they have been used by a centralised power…and work together to dismantle it. You don’t have to agree on everything, discussion is your friend.

One nation united against a common enemy with a common goal in mind, ensuring the future generations are secured and free to thrive in heaven on earth.”


the rebel papillon