I met a guy at the local servo (fuel station), and he began talking about not needing to have rego plates and so on.

I gave my 2 cents worth about that.

He said he had tried to fight the system in court using common law, but that he got it ‘wrong’.

My 2 cents on that is the gelatinous judges, corporate courts and crooked cops do not follow their own rules anymore, because we are starting to ask questions, the sort of questions they cannot answer.

Questions that, if answered, would show to all the utter deception that is the narrative we have been indoctrinated with since childhood.

When push comes to shove, they stop pretending that any of this is about “justice” and just ignore anything, and everything, we say in defence of our rights and proceed to proclaim “sentence” upon us.

These agents, of the corporations that pretend to be ‘governments’ or ‘kingdoms’ or ‘elected’ anythings, are constantly engaged in a maelstrom of perjurious falsehoods, for control and profit.

They are nothing but dishonest scumbags.

We are under attack, constantly, from thieves, armed robbers, assaulters, enslavers, torturers, murderers, and so on. If you think that any these criminal turds are there to help you, or that they are ‘misguided’ or just ignorant and need ‘to be educated’ then, at the very least, you are naive and about to awaken with a very rude shock.

Or, not wake at all because they have killed you.

These villainous miscreants that we see, daily, are only the local thugs, gladly doing as they are told by the globalists.

Those parasitic psychopaths owning the WEF, WHO, BIS, IMF, etc, are telling everyone exactly what they are going to do, … to you and yours.

If YOU do not say NO that means you agree, to everything they do.

You know the things they are planning, and enacting. The plans to totally enslave you, your family, and your friends, …. or kill all those that do not comply, or are not ‘useful.’

You know the plan is for you to ‘own nothing, be happy.’

You know the plan is for you to ‘obey, and work harder.’

All the most terrible outcomes of those ubiquitous doomsday SciFi movies from the 70’s and 80’s and 90’s showing dystopian futures for us, do not begin to touch what is in store for us from these abhorrent analists.

…. So, back to a couple of angry old farts at the local Servo, … what to do?

My answer is —

Ignore the bastards as much as possible. Ask questions when confronted. Refuse to comply, refute all claims made against you, deny any presumed contract.

But most importantly, remember exactly who you are. You are born of this world, from this world, of the land.

The filth that assail us are nothing but worthless dregs.


Well, I’m glad that’s off my chest.
