‘Private Parallels’ community coming soon…


Community Login

Let’s face it, social media on big tech is a dodgy place to be and we are getting censored and shadow-banned the more we speak the truth. We need our own safe and secure place online to connect as a community… and my trusted friends have just the solution. 

We’re going to be opening up a social networking platform,  minus ads, back doors, AI, fact checkers, etc. Right here! Social Networking platforms have primarily been free because your activity and personal data is the price that you pay for using it.  It’s time for a new era in social networking, where we get to manage our own social networking platform how we want to. It’s only weeks away!

Here’s just some of the benefits that we’re going to offer:

Friend Connections

You’ll all be able to connect with each other including private messaging in our community.


Discussion Forums

Good old fashion group discussion forums meaning  no more scrolling for you.

Private and public groups

If you become a paying member you’ll be able to create groups in our community.

Video Conferencing

Forget Zoom, we’ll have integrated video conferencing with Jitsi to collaborate and learn.

Online Courses

I’ll open up access to courses with people I’m collaborating with, for paying members.

Directory Listings

We will even be able to trade and exchange products & services within our social network.

Events Calendar

We’ll be able to list and manage events in our community, visible to all and out of 

Options for everyone

Talking financial contribution is an awkward subject for me, however it is a reality i face in order to keep our mahi/work ever evolving.

We wholeheartedly appreciate the awhi/care and koha/donation you all contribute thus we are providing options for those who regularly contribute and support myself and the team. You will have access to our wananga/workshops, intel and of course the inner circle we are fast creating.

In the meantime we are most grateful for any and all koha to help awhi the people building this amazing community platform for us all. All koha/donations go into our Fundamentum

Acc: 03-0351-0024303-00

Ref: Platform koha


dana lee

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