Remember that time the Maori Party wanted to lock maori up until at least 95% of maori had injected a foreign substance with no efficacy data into their bodies?

This party thrives off of telling maori they are victims whilst virtue signaling themselves to be the saviours from “white man” as they continuously embed themselves into a system they postulate they abhor and rather than ask critical questions of a government that has a history of not being for your average man or woman they run with whichever decision is most beneficial to themselves and have proven that they would use such powers against you.

This country does not need that type of leadership.

Just because the face is brown does not mean they are for you.

The best leadership are those who consider the whole, always ask questions, are not arrogant and have a proven record of genuine mahi that encompasses the whole ie you, me, all.

📸 11 October 2021

the rebel papillon